MFI and the market correction
Sometimes it's better to be lucky than smart -- sometimes it's better to be lucky than good at a particular task. I play a little bit of online poker for small stakes and if there is one thing you learn in poker it is that "luck can beat good play any day - any time".
Why is this relevant to investing -- well, you can do all the research and pretend to have these great market insights, but very often, a little bit of luck can change your fortune. Of course, similiar to the poker example, in the long run, good play should and probably will prevail - but one should always remember, that there is an element of chance or just pure luck.
Why is this relevant to my portfolio -- I got up on Monday morning on the 1 year and 2 day anniversary of my Magic Formula Investing start and sold 7 of my top gainers for the one year. While I considered to replace them right away, my target stocks all seemed to have been on a little bit of a run (maybe that was a sign) - so I was waiting on a "dip" (always be careful what you wish for). So I only replaced 2 of the 7 stocks and left about 20% of my portfolio in cash. Of course Tuesday was the meltdown and I got very lucky in terms of market timing - there was no skill, no reading of the market conditions or anything like that. So now, I can wait a couple of more days and let things calm down to look for stocks that just experienced the "dip" I was hoping for.
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